Search Results for: immigration

The United States is the third most populous country in the world behind India and China. The U.S. has been adding about 1 million immigrants annually since 1990. California is the most populous state in the Union. Not surprisingly, many immigrants make California home. California, New York, and Florida account for 60% of the foreign-born […]

As Attorney General Jeff Sessions prepares to sue the state of California over its so-called “sanctuary state” policies, which prevent local authorities from complying with some requests by federal law enforcement agents, research suggests that crime and immigration may not be correlated. In fact, research shows that immigrants may commit fewer crimes overall.  While crime […]

In 2017 alone, the California legislature passed nearly 900 bills that Gov. Jerry Brown then signed into law. Most of them take effect in January 2018. Here is a summary of the key criminal law changes that will take effect this year:   No California school employee can carry a concealed weapon onto campus. Before, […]

After Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration came out, fears have been running high among immigrant and migrant communities throughout the nation. After the highly publicized deportation of an undocumented Arizona mother of two, Guadelupe Garcia,  after a routine visit with immigration officials, reports have been spreading of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) doing massive immigration […]

As the focus on ‘border security’ has increased in the platforms of presidential candidates for the 2016 election, the federal government has also ramped up its efforts to deport immigrants who have committed crimes or pose a threat to public safety. This September, immigration authorities in Southern California arrested more than 240 people with criminal […]

In one of the most bizarre, tragic, and controversial stories in California this year, the infamous “Pier 14″ murder has sparked much debate on immigration, felony laws, and San Francisco’s status as a ‘sanctuary city.’  At the end of June,  a woman named Kathryn Steel was strolling around Pier 14 when she was gunned down […]

For non-citizens living in the United States, following all laws is crucial. While it is true that the idea of incarceration and fines is upsetting to anyone, things can get much more problematic for immigrants who lack U.S. citizenship. That is because, in certain situations, criminal activity could result in deportation. The rules set out […]

In response to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials serving subpoenas, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department will comply with federal court orders to provide migrant-arrest data. The state of California’s sanctuary state legislation has been fighting to shield this information from going into the hands of ICE. The announcement was made by the […]

For the last seven years, the police in the city of San Diego made use of facial recognition technology through a network of 1,300 mobile cameras. The information compiled was successful in developing a database of 65,500 face scans. As of December 31, 2019, though, the California legislature put a stop to the use of […]

According to The Sentencing Project, private prisons nationwide held 128,063 people in 2016. This number represents 8.5% of the federal prison population. Since the beginning of this decade, the private prison population increased 47%. On September 11, 2019, a new law made California the first state to end its use of for-profit, private prisons and […]

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