
Articles Posted in warrants


Why it is Important to Know if You Have an Outstanding California Warrant

If you suspect that you have an outstanding warrant in your name it is best to be proactive and look into it. You may find you have either an outstanding California bench warrant or an outstanding arrest warrant. Either way, should you find that you do have an outstanding warrant…


Differences Between a San Diego Bench Warrant and Arrest Warrant

For the police to make an arrest in San Diego, a warrant must accompany them. Discovering you have a warrant can be nerve wracking. You begin to wonder why a warrant was issued against you and what to do to make the warrant go away. Sometimes, but not often, judges…


Won Battle, Lost War in Cell Phone Search Case

Last year, in a historic ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Riley v. California that law enforcement must obtain a warrant to search cell phones. This historic opinion changed police protocol across the nation and set a strong precedent supporting privacy in a technological era. Many of you must…

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