Search Results for: prop 47

If you were arrested in the state of California for vandalism, you could face either misdemeanor or felony charges. The extent of damages and the cost that results go into determining which charge applies. Under the law, when it can be proven that a person willfully and maliciously damaged or tarnished property, that individual will […]

Interactions with the police can be scary and distressing. Certain situations in which law enforcement is involved can be downright deadly. Understanding your rights as well as what is legally expected of you when it comes to interacting with law enforcement in California is incredibly important. You may be able to protect yourself from harsh […]

Taking the neighbor’s bike, lifting a shirt from a friend’s house because you love it, maybe even grabbing a couple of candy bars and a drink from the corner store without paying for them seems fairly innocent. There are many people who think that these actions are not that big of a deal. Taking something […]

It is possible to be released after an arrest in California without having to spend time waiting in jail until your official court date. Under the law, if you are booked by the authorities for a crime, you would have to sit in jail until your court date. Given that it could take months from […]

The Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment protects people who are not competent from being unfairly prosecuted during a criminal trial. In some situations, it is beneficial for a defendant to be declared incompetent to stand trial because they lack the ability to understand their charges or they are mentally unfit to be involved […]

Detainment by the police is not an ideal situation; it can come with excessive distress and angst. The important thing for anyone who is pulled over by a California law enforcement officer is to know that cooperation is key to preserving your legal rights, civil liberties, and freedoms. Regardless of your connection with a crime, […]

When a person is incarcerated for a crime in California and they are a parent, there are several different things that can happen. The child may be placed with the other parent, or the child may be placed with another family member. When a relative is not an option, the child may be thrown into […]

California has peeping tom laws that protect the privacy of the public. The laws are found under Penal Code 647 (i) and (j) — peeking while loitering and invasion of privacy. If you are charged and convicted for either of these crimes you could be facing jail time and expensive fines. The details of your […]

Have you been arrested and charged with lewd conduct in San Diego? If you are convicted of lewd conduct in the public sphere in California, you are subject to penalty under California’s Penal Code 647(a). The state characterizes the following actions as lewd conduct under the law: Unwanted touching of other individuals’ genitals or “private […]

If you have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor in the state of California and you wanted to have your charges expunged but found out you were ineligible for that to happen, you may be wondering if a Certificate of Rehabilitation will be a suitable alternative. While not exactly the same thing as […]

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